A way to tame…

by TheAspiringAuthor

What is classed as ‘crocodile lips’ aka dry lips.

Less cost effective:

Using an old toothbrush, wet the bristles and gentle rub over the lips in a circular motion. This will exfoliate the lips and remove the dry skin. Once finished, dry your mouth and away you go! Fuller, rosy looking lips!

Cosmetic example:

Lush Cosmetics: Lip scrub. I use the bubblegum flavour ( tastes so good!) You put a small amount on your finger and run it along your lips. The sugar crystals exfoliate the lips leaving them smooth…and tasting of bubblegum! I love using this before I go to bed and then placing a soothing balm on top. Can be a trouble to stop licking your lips!

Is currently priced at £5.50.

Thanks for reading and have a great day my lovelies!